We enjoy a full day of instruction in Palma at the Zone Conference. President and I hold a leadership training with the Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leader, and District Leaders. We begin the conference with our usual welcome, prayer, recitations, announcements and reading from the White Handbook. I give a lesson on Healthy Living--cleanliness, proper nutrition, water intake,and safe food handling. The Zone Leaders, Elders Downing and Bradshaw taught about Effective Teaching Start to Finish. Lecciones in Español was taught by Elder Rodriguez and Elder Wood showed us a teaching trick. President Dayton ended with a presentation on, "The Book of Mormon:Our Greatest Proselyting Weapon".

Elder and Sister Lundberg and Elder and Sister Nelson provide this wonderful meal.

For lunch we enjoy a delicious meal of home made spaghetti with meatballs, garlic bread, green salad, and a delicious fruit pizza for dessert.

We only had 3 missionaries who had birthdays in May, June, July and August.
Hermana McConkie, Elder Downing and Elder Nelson.

Elder Bradshaw and Hermanan Cummings sang a beautiful song in our afternoon session.
We hold our Scriptural Memorization Challenge in the afternoon session and the Palma District won--the best score in the entire mission on scriptures memorized! Elder Thompson and Elder Ricks taught a lesson, "Teach Lessons and not People" and then Hermana Cummings and Barlow taught, "Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?" We conclude with President Dayton teaching about "Becoming A Master Teacher by Teaching Like the Master". We then viewed a video and had a concluding testimony meeting.

Elder Downing shares his final testimony as a full time missionary.
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