We enjoy a wonderful zone conference this week with two terrific zones! I taught the missionaries, "Healthy Living: Key to a Happy, Productive Missionary" President taught,"Book of Mormon:Our Greatest Proselyting Weapon". Elder Ormsby taught our "Lecciones en Español" and Elder Miller taught a 5 minute teaching trick. Our assistants, Elder Perri and Elder Christensen share, "From 0 to Z: An Effective Start and End".

We enjoy pizza, cole slaw, fresh fruit and then have ice cream sodas for dessert. We feel grateful for Elder and Sister Fowers for all they do to make our zone conference meals so delicious.

We honor the missionaries who have birthdays in May, June, July and August by singing Happy Birthday and giving them a candy bar.

During lunch the missionaries report on their goals and share inspiring stories of miracles that month.

Elders Bristol and Molina report their goals and share a meaningful miracle story during lunch. Each of the missionaries share during this session.

Elder Ormsby and Hermana McChesney sing a beautiful primary hymn for our musical number to begin our afternoon session.

We conclude our afternoon session with our scripture memorization challenge, Elders Lightfoot and Woodmansee with, "Teach People, Not Lessons". We then hear from Hermanas Kleitzli and McChesney as they teach, "Committing the Family" and President Dayton presents "Becoming a Master Teacher by Teaching Like the Master". We then have the three missionaries returning home, Elder Lightfoot, Elder Miller and Elder Saunders, share their testimonies and what they learned on their missions. We have many beautiful testimonies shared to end this memorable zone conference.
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