We had a wonderful zone conference in Bilbao on July 18, 2017. We met with the Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders and District Leaders for leadership meeting first thing in the morning. President Dayton taught an hour on "Mighty Prayer". I taught a lesson on Companionship Unity" and the Vitoria Zone Leaders, Elder Martin and Elder Jacobson, taught "Steps to Spiritual Confidence" followed by Lecciones en Español by Elder Bowles.

President Dayton taught Divine Companionship with the Holy Ghost in the afternoon session.

The Bilbao Zone Leaders, Elder Cook and Elder Blake, taught "Contacting for Dummies: A Guide to Getting Deuces (Second Visits)". Hermana Dupre and Herman Gonzalez, Sister Training Leaders, taught "Planning: Isn't it About Time?".

We celebrate Sister Gratzl's birthday by sharing five things that we LOVE about her!!! She is such a wonderful missionary!


Elder and Sister Rohde prepare a delicious chicken dinner with green beans, rice, watermelon, green salad, bread, and we enjoy ice cream bars for desert.
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