The Hospitalet Zone Conference was held on July 13, 2017. We began with a leadership meeting with our Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders and our District Leaders. In the morning session, President Dayton's topic was "Mighty Prayer" and my topic was "Companionship Unity". The assistants, Elder Hemeyer and Elder Perri, taught "Steps to Spiritual Confidence". Elder Bowman taught our Lecciones in Español. In the afternoon session, Elders Tuthill and Saunders instructed us on how to get second visits and Hermanas Reidhead and Dow taught a lesson on believing. President Dayton ended with "Divine Companionship with the Holy Ghost". Five of our El Faro missionaries from these zones are returning home and they shared their testimonies and what they learned on the mission (Elder Tuthill, Hermanas Allen, Francisco, Reidhead, and Pratt). President and I shared our testimonies to conclude our meeting.

Elder and Sister Fowers and Elder and Sister Brammer prepared a delicious luncheon meal --Sweet and Sour P{ora over rice with watermelon and bread and then ice cream bars for desert.

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