My daughter, Katie Cherrington comes for two days. Her husband and brothers participate in a half Iron Man in Palma.
Maria Dolores Escobar and her husband come to talk about the history of the church in Spain.
Elder Nate Jones and his wife visit us.
Elder Caleb Barton and his parents stop by for a visit.
Elder Brandon Heymer and his parents.

Hermana Marie Larson and her friend visit us.
Hermana Een and her family (Eliza, Trish, Natalie, Marissa) visit.
We saw Elder Trevor Allen and Hermana Jennifer Irregi at a Flood the Earth Firside in the ward.
Hermana Ashley Applegate with her parents.
Elder Bowen Martin with his parents.
Elder Dallas Cook with his family.
Elder Ramirez visits with his mom and fiance.
My friend, Stephanie Eastman, and her girls
Buenos dias
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