We enjoyed a leadership meeting with our zone leaders, sister training leaders, and district leaders to begin the day.
In our morning session, I gave instruction on leading the music in 2/4 time, and then presented on Creating a Life of Happiness. Our assistants, Elders Duersch and Bristol, presented "Breaking Down the Duece," and did a very creative song to reinforce the concepts taught.
Elder Jones taught Lecciones en Español, and Elder Squires gave us a teaching trick.
President Dayton gave instruction on how to prepare an inspiring baptismal service.
For lunch, we enjoyed 2 different soups and a variety of sandwiches made by Sister Snowden and Gibson. We enjoyed a special cake made by a member.

The missionaries heart attack us following lunch.
For the afternoon session, we began with our scriptural memorization challenge and a musical number by Sister Southwick, Sister Bashaw.
Elders Stephenson and Beck teach on "Lighting the Fire in Valencia". Hermanas Harris and Lima taught "Not my will, but Thine be done", and President Dayton ended with a "Testifying, Inviting, Challenging Missionary."
Hermana Harris and Hermana Black shared with us their reflections as they will be leaving this next transfer.
We viewed a beautiful video and concluded with our testimony meeting.

Sister Vance and Sister Lenzinger text this cute picture following zone conference. Each of our missionaries made a commitment to say "That's great!" no matter what happens in life and to look for the positive.
Oh how I love seeing my happy missionary in these pics: Elder Noah Johnson! Love that boy!!!