We hold a wonderful Family Home Evening in the mission home with many missionaries and investigators.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Monday, February 26, 2018
12:53 PM
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We had a wonderful missionary leadership council meeting with our Assistants, Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders. We introduced our new council members, Hermanas Clark, Lesuere, and Southwick and Elders Cox and Doman. We reviewed the two month calendar, and discussed the key indicator analysis, and each zone reported on their baptisms.
I taught about listening and being obedient to the voice of our Prophet, President Nelson. President then taught about eradicating discouragement.
For lunch we enjoyed spaghetti, salad and garlic bread with brownies, ice cream and chocolate sauce for dessert.

Following lunch, our assistants, Elder Bristol and Elder Duersch gave a presentation entitled, Tempest Tossed. Elder Fowler taught us how to effectively use the Area Book Map and we concluded our teachings with a discussion on the Facebook Newsfeed and hard doctrinal questions. We then viewed the video of our El Faro missionaries opening their calls and concluded with a spiritual testimony meeting.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
7:18 PM
This morning all of the new missionaries and their future trainers came to the mission home for some final instruction. We held a session to Train the Trainers. We also had a luncheon of sloppy joes and salad with all the new missionaries and trainers.

Afterwards, we held a final set of instructions before getting to the exciting training assignments!

Hermana Clegg will be trained by Hermana Warburton in Palma!

¡El Élder Pareja será entrenado por el Élder Gómez en Bilbao!

Hermana Hannig will be trained by Hermana Espinoza in Badalona!

Elder Beher will be trained by Elder Chin Ah You in Logroño!

Hermana Helton will be trained by Hermana Fuller in Zaragoza!

Elder Cruz será treinado pelo Elder Jones em Catarroja!

Hermana Hyde will be trained by Hermana Colque in Valencia!

Elder Layton will be trained by Elder Lozano in Sabadell!

Hermana Davis will be trained by Hermana Hofstetter in Tarragona!

The Daytons are loving their mission in Barcelona!

Hermana Clegg will be trained by Hermana Warburton in Palma!

¡El Élder Pareja será entrenado por el Élder Gómez en Bilbao!

Hermana Hannig will be trained by Hermana Espinoza in Badalona!

Elder Beher will be trained by Elder Chin Ah You in Logroño!

Hermana Helton will be trained by Hermana Fuller in Zaragoza!

Elder Cruz será treinado pelo Elder Jones em Catarroja!

Hermana Hyde will be trained by Hermana Colque in Valencia!

Elder Layton will be trained by Elder Lozano in Sabadell!

Hermana Davis will be trained by Hermana Hofstetter in Tarragona!

The Daytons are loving their mission in Barcelona!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
1:33 PM
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We are excited to welcome this large group of powerful new missionaries. We've enjoyed getting to know them and are eager to see their accomplishments.
Welcome to Elder Layton!
¡Bienvenido a Élder Beher!
¡Bienvenido a Elder Cruz!
¡Bienvenido a Elder Pareja!
6:00 AM
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We have a dinner for the 9 missionaries going home this transfer. During the meal, each missionary reported on the most meaningful experience of their mission, the thing they will miss most about Spain, and the one thing they will not miss about Spain. We then had a beautiful testimony meeting and ended by singing our mission song, "Brillan Rayos de Clemencia."
Friday, February 16, 2018
4:31 PM
Friday, February 9, 2018
4:49 PM
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The oldest "Galligal," Rachel served a mission in southern Italy, after which she taught Italian at BYU and Indiana University, where she earned a master's degree in Italian literature and met her future husband Micah Fleming, a violinist. Rachel later got a masters degree in elementary education at Westminster College. After directing the orchestra at Olympus High School for many years and leading his violin studio, Micah is back at Indiana University with the family, where he is studying for a doctorate in ancient music. Micah served a mission in Venezuela. Aaron (6) plays the violin, piano, soccer, and loves space and Star Wars. Micah serves as elders quorum president and Rachel as Relief Society Secretary. She teaches piano and meditation. They are looking forward to being foster parents soon.
Brandon Graves and Laurel met at the age of 16, dated on and off, and got married 6 years later, after serving missions. Brandon served in the Paraguay Asunción mission, and Laurel served in the Alaska Anchorage mission. Both are currently studying at BYU, and will be graduating between December 2018-April 2019. Brandon is studying English and Spanish, and Laurel Art and Psychology. Brandon plans to attend Law School after graduating, and is interested in Immigration and Refugee Policy. Laurel doesn't quite know yet what she wants to do yet but it's going to be awesome. Their hobbies include playing music, backpacking, traveling the world, and rock climbing; and look forward to living in Barcelona after graduating, because hey - who wouldn't?
Hannah Galliosborn is 29 years old, has been a fine art photographer known as "inner i art" for 13 years, and is an emotional release facilitator, which is a therapy in the healing arts. She spent much of her 20s studying and photographing spiritual modalities around the world, bringing her to 20 countries and all around the United States.
In 2015 she married her high school sweetheart, Kit Galliosborn (previously Osborn) in the Salt Lake Temple. He joined the church when he was 19, before doing two years of undergraduate studies at Macalaster College in St Paul, Minnesota. He was called to the Singapore Mission, serving in Malaysia from 2008-2010. Following his mission, in 2013 he received a BFA in Printmaking from the University of Utah. Kit is an artist, and the two of them were an active part of Salt Lake's art scene before he started medical school in Washington D.C., at the George Washington University. They welcomed their son, Forest in September. They currently live in Takoma Park, Maryland.
Andrew and Ariel live just around the corner from the Washington DC temple. They have five energetic children: Abraham (9), Benjamin (7), Evelyn (5), Susanna (2) and Magnolia (8 months). Andrew is an executive leadership coach and works at a nonprofit in DC. He is serving on the high council. Ariel runs the house, including her own set of leadership development programs with the five kids as well as a lot of design and construction to make the house a home. Ariel teaches Relief Society. Their family loves to play, making music and home-made videos together, among other antics. They strive to fill their home and lives with the best music, books and food available, with the occasional indulgence in the form of cream puffs. The engine of their family is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it propels them forward. Their favorite moments are having scripture-based conversations around the breakfast table, serving together in the Church and supporting each other in the ups and downs of life.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
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