We had a wonderful leadership meeting with our zone leaders and sister training leaders. Following announcements, we welcomed our new members to Concilio (Elders Bown, Ricks, Steagall, Beck, Mayall, and Barton, and Hermanas Finch, Barlow, Muñoz, Johnson, Lima, Mayall, Read, and Clark). Afterwards, we did "Return and Report" in each zone. President Dayton then discussed the key indicator analysis. Sister Ober, Sister Stosich, and Sister Harris shared lessons they've learned while in the mission.
I gave a presentation on being an effective leader. President taught "It becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor."

For lunch, we enjoyed Hawaian Haystacks, salad, bread, and, for dessert, cookies and ice cream.
For the afternoon session, Elder Duersch and Elder Bristol, the assitants, taught a seminar on "Leadership: More than a Title." They then did a workshop discussing how to effectively work with district leaders, and President concluded with a discussion on creative tech ideas. We viewed a video and concluded with a very spiritual testimony meeting.