Bilbao/Vitoria Zones are the first Zone Conferences held on Monday March 14th--The ZondeLeaders are kneeling in front--Elder Maurer, Elder Skousen. Elder Murley and Elder Latteier.
We enjoy a beautiful musical number performed by Elder Maurer, Elder Stratton, Elder Latteier, Elder McCreary, Hermana Lieberum, Hermana Iverson, Hermana Roggiero, and Hermana Rica.
Enjoying the stuffed bunny from our Easter display.

Hospitalet Zone Conference--Tuesday March 15th. I taught about Tender Mercies of the Lord, President taught about Faith in Finding and Teaching our investigators to honor the law of procreation. The assistants gave a lesson titled, "Lesson Z: Lifting our Investigators by Dropping Them". We had a lesson in Spanish and teachings by the zone leaders, practica's (practicing with each other by role playing), etc. We then watched the Easter Initiative Video, "Hallelujah!" We ended with a beautiful testimony meeting.
Our pizza luncheon--favorite missionary meal...
The Valencia Zone ---the conference was held on Thursday March 17th.
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