We begin our final round of zone conferences in the Islands. President taught the leaders about counseling and behavior correction for missionaries.
We begin Zone Conference with announcements. The final day for Area Book clean out is June 26, all missionaries are asked to do device audits every day, and are all also asked to complete the mission survey. I discussed the Boom of Mormon member program, Flood Spain with the Book of Mormon. I also review clothing guidelines and announce the winner of Battle of the Dirt. President discusses the mission consolidation of the Malaga and Barcelona missions, and that missionaries that speak only Spanish are to speak only speak only English after 10 p.m. each week.
I begin my teaching "Lo Que El Señor me ha Enseñado" (What the Lord has Taught Me). I discuss the importance of trusting the Lord, living by the Spirit, and looking for miracles and tender mercies daily. Elders Stephenson and Mayall taught about fruta (friut); the desires to contact and change peoples lives. Hermanas Lima and Clegg teach about patience. We then sing our mission anthem, "Fill the World With Love."

Elder Domingues teaches lecciones en Español.
Elder Eiguren teaches a teaching trick talking about the Atonement, using a visual aid with soap and water.
President Dayton then teaches Diligence: Laboring with all your Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength.
For lunch, we enjoyed a baked potato bar.
We celebrate missionary birthdays!
Elder Dixon and Elder Doman taught about "Teaching God's Children to Walk." We then sing "The Greatest Mission on the Earth's Great Face," written by President Dayton.
President Dayton ends the Conference by teaching The Empowering Principle of Faith. We conclude with a video and testimony meeting.