We begin our zone conference by meeting with our leadership missionaries (Zone Leaders, District Leaders, and Sister Training Leaders). In our main session, we learned how to lead music, I taught Faith Spawns Miracles, and Elder Dickson taught Lecciones en Español, followed by our Assistants Elder Duersch and Elder Bristol teaching Confidence: The Key to Humility. Hermanas Ober and Soelberg taught us about Patience, a character trait of the Savior. We then took 10 minutes to do Light the World, where our missionaries used our technology (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger) to share a Christmas message with our investigators and recent converts. We then did our scriptural memorization challenge to end the morning session.
The Fowers prepared a delicious Christmas meal, with turkey, stuffing, gravy, green beans, and an ice cream cake dessert.
Hermana Lima began our afternoon session with a musical number. Elders Cvijanovich and Rodriguez taught about the Christlike character trait of Diligence.
The Assistants sang a song they wrote on Re4alls (our mission goal to work with members more and have each companionship receive 4 referrals each month during the month of January and February).
We all participated in a readers' theater, and President Dayton ended with why we worship Christ at Christmas. We concluded with our 2017 baptismal video and a wonderful testimony meeting.
Elder Cvijanovich, Elder Kreutz, Hermana Brudnicki, and Hermana Soelberg shared "What the Lord has Taught Me". Following the prayer, we participated in games and received Christmas cards with all the missionaries pictures with a bag of a German Chocolate Santa along with chocolate ornaments to hang on their trees.
Thank you thank you!!! Our family appreciates all that is done for our hermana (allen) and all the missionaries!! You are all in our prayers!!