Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Published 7:39 PM by with 4 comments


New missionaries arrive at the Barcelona train station.What an attractive, dynamic group!

Our luncheon honoring our new missionaries.  Hermana Stanley treats us with a beautiful Spanish lullaby.

President Dayton with his wonderful assistants--Elder Kimball, our new assistant--Elder Bauman and our assistant returning to the field, Elder Dunn.

We go to Montjuïc to over look the beautiful city of Barcelona where they will serve.



  1. Glad to see Elder Moon and all the new missionaries arrived safely to the mission home. Wish him a happy birthday this Friday el 11 de marzo.

  2. Thank you for sharing these delightful pictures, and for taking care of our missionaries! I'm delighted to see that you already put Hermana Stanley and Rodrigo to work!
    Thank you for your service!
    With Love...The Stanley Family

  3. I somehow just saw this email and am so glad to see how happy my sweet daughter looks. Thank you for sharing the pics and for taking such good care of her, I know you have made such a difference!sis Pratt's mom (sis Oberhansly)
